Sunday, February 10, 2008

sheesh. no messing around here!

among the items prohibited from being carried onto an airplane at heathrow are the following: cutlery, hiking poles and CATAPULTS!??!
damn, now i have to go repack. fuckers.
see ya friday night. hopefully i will come back from the UK with tons of brilliant stories. or something.


Pickles and Dimes said...

No catapults? How am I supposed to shut up the annoying people 7 rows in front of me on the flight then?

Anonymous said...

what about a trebuchet?

hearts, your fav. roomie

Thomas said...

I can't wait!

mom of the year said...

Yeah, I hate that you're not allowed to bring a machete. For chrissake, how can one travel without?! The FAA guidelines KILL me...

By the way, saw a comment you left on Tessie's site. LOVE the term douchebag. I'm trying to get a movement of freaksters like me and my BFF to start a formal revival of the word. YAY!!!